
Happy Easter! - New Song Sunday (has nothing to with Easter)

Hey everybody! Happy Easter!

On a completely unrelated note, here's the new song for the week. I had problems with key-changes and such, so forgive the sloppiness.
This one has to do with a fairly serious debate, that of course being which would be a worse apocalypse, that of zombies or that of evil robots. This song, being from the perspective of someone in the midst of the former category, considers the latter option to be worse and for that reason has much to celebrate.
I could probably justify it as a easter song by saying that all mankind was doomed to a much worse fate than that of zombies and robots, but was spared by the grace of God, however I think it would probably be labeled a bit sacrilegious. So I'm just going to stick to my guns and say I really wanted to make a song about zombies and robots.
This one's probably only tolerable if you imagine me singing it to another group of survivors trapped inside a Gap outlet.

Zombies Vs. Robots - Zack Newcott and the Chemical Cow .mp3