So after standing outside overnight and forking over enough cash, I managed to get my hands on a brand new iFelt!
Before I sent it off, I managed to grab a couple snapshots. It's meant for her, but I think think the world needs to experience it.
For those that don't know, the iFelt is only the latest revolution in modern technology. Thanks to advances in state of the art engineering and programming, the iFelt is a COMPLETELY WIRELESS accessory. As such, the iFelt can be used virtually anywhere. As if that wasn't enough, it's even thin enough to fit inside an envelope.
It's not impossible, it's the iFelt!
The iFelt even allows you to visit ANY website and turn it into THESE specific three websites!
For Free.
Check out this felted version of the Dramatic Gopher!
Or a felted LOL Walrus!
You can even steal this Lolrus's Bukkit!
And of course, I think we can all agree no iFelt is complete without a Felted version of "What What in The Butt."
What websites remain to be felted? Fat Star Wars Kid? Tron Guy? Sneezing Panda? The possibilities are endless.
(you are)
This stuff is great. You rule, sir.
Brownmark Films
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